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"morality" exercise:ethical decision-making framework

日期: 2022-07-29 15:48:46 作者: 郑易倩

不积跬步无以至千里,乐考小编为广大考生朋友准备了"morality" exercise:ethical decision-making framework,每天掌握一道题,每天进步一点点!

Questions 1:

Examples of the beneficial features of using an ethical decision-making framework least likely includes analyzing:

A、 the best course of action when alternatives are available.

B 、the decision maker’s perspective of contemplated actions.

C 、a broader picture from a long-term point of view.

Questions 2:

A profession is most likely described as a group of people that:

A、 has a common level of basic knowledge about a particular subject.

B 、monitors its members based on an agreed-on code of ethics.

C、 puts the interests of its members first.



标签: cfa模拟题